
Our family is in a hard season right now.
Change is never easy or comfortable.
Small change can be exciting, but big change often has a painful element to it.
Such is the case with us right now. It's very painful.

There have been several songs that I've written over the years that have really ministered to people's hearts. I only know because you tell me they have. Praise God!
Of course I write the songs out of my own heart, but every now and then, the songs will come back and minister to my heart. And I'm so thankful for that.

In this season that we're in, this song, Do You Trust Me Yet, which has touched so many of you, is touching me in ways I never new I needed.

Trust is such an interesting thing.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines trust as,
"Firm belief in the character, strength, truth, or ability of someone or something."
Once trust is broken it is SO HARD to get back.
You can even be around a person for years after trust is broken and never fully recover what once was.

One of the reasons authenticity is so important to me is because it builds trust in relationships.
Unfortunately, people (myself included) are imperfect and trust can be nearly impossible.

But God, (don't you love those words?!) God is absolutely trustworthy. His Word assures us that He is only faithful and true. Even when everything gets turned on it's head, God's goodness is trustworthy.
Even when situations don't make any sense, God's understanding is trustworthy.
Even when people let us down, God's faithfulness is trustworthy for all of eternity. 

In this season I am refusing to let broken trust in broken relationships with broken people skew my thinking of God and His trustworthiness. WE ARE BROKEN.
But God is perfectly whole, perfectly good, and perfectly trustworthy. 

God has proven Himself over and over in my life. Why wouldn't I trust Him now? Is this situation too big for Him? He has done such miraculous things before my very eyes. Why wouldn't I trust Him to do that again? Has He lost any ability to perform miracles? He has restored brokenness, and forgiven sin, and healed heart wounds, and cut off chains, and revived dead things…
AND I TRUST HIM TO DO IT AGAIN because this is who God is and this is what He does. 

I listen to this song again. He says, "Do you trust Me yet?" and I can do nothing but cry and in prayer place everything in God's trustworthy hands and respond, "I trust You with my life!"
Even when I can't see.
Even when I don't understand.
Even when I have no control.
Even when it hurts.
Even when I can't hear.
I TRUST. I trust. I trust.

 Those who know your name trust you, O LORD, because you have never deserted those who seek your help. Psalm 9:10
Psalm 130
Lord, out of the depths I call to you.
O Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be open to my pleas for mercy.
Lord, who would be able to stand
    if you kept a record of sins?
But with you there is forgiveness
    so that you can be feared.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
    and with hope I wait for his word.

My soul waits for the Lord
    more than those who watch for the morning,
    more than those who watch for the morning.
O Israel, put your hope in the Lord,
    because with the Lord there is mercy
        and with him there is unlimited forgiveness.
            He will rescue Israel from all its sins.

Do You Trust Me Yet
Music and Lyrics by Anna Austin ©2014

Life's been hard
I've been hurt
I've been betrayed one too many times
Had to leave my home
Make my own
Leave the others far behind

But God asked me
To trust in Him
To give Him full control
But it's been so hard
I've been let down
So many times before

Do you trust Me yet
Will you let Me lead
I've got plans for you
You will succeed
I know it's hard and it may hurt
It's for the best
Do you trust Me yet

Walking down this road
I never wanted to be on
You asked me to believe
But, God, it's been so hard
Everything's gone wrong
And when I asked You why
All You did was give me this reply

Do you trust Me yet
Will you let Me lead
I've got plans for you
You will succeed
I know it's hard and it may hurt
It's for the best
Do you trust Me yet

As I walked that path
I gave You all of me
And now as I look back
I'm so glad I let You lead

Do you trust Me yet
Will you let Me lead
I've got plans for you
You will succeed
I know it's hard and it may hurt
It's for the best
Do you trust Me yet
