Her Words. 

Here I am. 

And, here it is, this "blog spot" as they call it. 

There have been several suggestions that I start doing this, and I concurred that it would be a good idea for me to begin. 

I like to think that I have interesting things to say and good thoughts to share, but, in all honesty, this may just end up being a place for me to ramble about our 4 crazy kids, our current happenings, or all of these countless creative thoughts that I can never quite seem to express correctly. 

As I told my oldest daughter, a blog is like a diary that I actually let people read. Of course she could not believe that I would actually let people read my diary! After all, when you're 9 years old, you NEVER want ANYONE to read what you write in your diary. "And that's ok," I told her. She can keep her words locked up as long as she wants to. In the same way, her sister, my sweet 7 year old shy princess, can share her words with me whenever she wants to. This sweet, shy girl has words too; words that she so badly wants to say, but she's often afraid to say what she really wants to, so she whispers her words in my ear. She can *always* whisper  her words in my ear. 

Then my husband says, "Momma can share her words if she wants to." 

It's true. Momma has a lot of words inside her. Momma really likes words. Momma like to wordsmith words into beautiful lines, and lines that rhyme, and lines that sound like songs, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with sharing words. So, momma's going to share her words with the world. 

Here I am, sharing my words with you. 

Forgive me if I don't meet your expectations.  

(My grammar and punctuation isn't always the best.) 

But, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks."

So, I cannot share with you words that I do not have in my heart.

However, what I do have in my heart, I can share with true authenticity. 

Expect nothing more and nothing less than authenticity from me, because, if there is anything that I am, it is authentically myself. There are a lot of things I want to be, and things that I wish I was, but I can only be that which I am, and I am not afraid of that. So, here I am

Here's where you can read, "Her Words." 

Much love to all of you, 

~Anna Austin 


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